What is meant by "organism is wild"

I cannot find a definition of when an organism is wild or when it is not wild. In Germany, observations by inaturalist can already be represented in distribution maps via GBIF, but it is difficult to separate natural from non-natural occurrences. For me, natural occurrences are those that occur within the natural distribution area in a suitable location, i.e. that have not been planted or spread by humans.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

See the iNat help page here: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help#captive


Just a heads-up, please link to the iNat Help site: https://help.inaturalist.org/en/support/solutions/articles/151000169932-what-does-captive-cultivated-mean-


My search for the keyword “wild” was not successful. Perhaps it should be linked in the search. The problem is, that the observator often doesn’t decide if it’s wild or not wild. The standard is “wild” i think, if the organism is not marked as introduced. Is this right or am I wrong in this point.

By default, all new observations are considered wild, but the observer can mark it as not wild (aka captive/cultivated) before or after upload. The system may also mark something as not wild. Any user can also vote an observation as wild or not in the Data Quality Assessment.

“Introduced” is completely different, it refers to whether a taxon has been introduced to an area or not. Wild/not wild on iNat refers to the individual organism being observed. An individual of an introduced species could be wild or not wild, as could an individual of a native species.


Tony - off the main topic here, but when will the Help menu link (under More) on the iNaturalist main page (www.inaturalist.org) be changed to go directly to the new help page? It’s a bit confusing as to which is the “official” help right now - the menu link goes to the old page, which says the new site now hosts the “official” FAQs, but the new site says it is still under migration and is incomplete.


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