Mine Favorite Can Be Any
Nothing special or rare, but I really like the 22-spotted ladybeetle (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata).
Nice Colors On The Bug
I have a few favorites! I love Anole lizards, and I also love Family Odontophoridae, or the New World Quail. My favorite species from that family would have to be the Northern Bobwhite. They are such cute and interesting quail!
Here’s a picture of a male I saw in my yard 2 years ago:
I really like coyotes! It’s so cool that we have wild canines that can coexist with us even in urban settings. I love hearing them sing out in the countryside, and It’s awesome to see them when I’m out working at night, patrolling for delicious invasive rabbits and what-not.
They also, uh, “encourage” people to keep housecats indoors, and housecats are just terrible for the bird population here. I care a lot about birds, and the coyotes are much more effective at getting people to keep their housecats indoors than anything I can say would be.
I take it your avatar is based on that exact photo.
Peregrine Falcon!
Good eye, it is! I used him as a reference.
I didn’t even have to think about my answer. I’ve been to some remote places and seen some “charismatic “ species. But when I’m at home it’s always my BFFs the Black-capped Chickadees that I love. I sit on my deck drinking my tea in the morning and I put sunflower seeds along the railing and the top of a privacy fence and congratulate them for finding them. They. Are. Perfect.
I agree! One of my favorite visitors to my feeder are the Black-capped Chickadees. They are so cute and full of personality. Apparently they have great memory when it comes to where they stash their food. I once found a seed that a chickadee stuck inside a cell of a paper wasp nest!
It’s so hard to pick a favourite animal, but if i had to choose, probably bumblebees, spotted dolphins, or African spotted dogs. Bumblebees because they are adorable fuzzballs, spotted dolphins because dolphins are so playful, and I love grey speckled animals, and spotted dogs for their colours and pack behaviour.
I don’t really have a favorite animal. There’s so many cool ones. I love valvetail isopods though.
I don’t really have a favorite animal. There are just too many to pick from, but I do have a love for insects and birds. I raise caterpillars every year and I just find it so cool to watch them grow up, and the whole process of metamorphosis is just so fascinating! I also find any animal in a mutualistic relationship to be cool! Like Clown Anemonefish and Sea Anemones, or bees and a flower!
And of course, being a really big birder/ornithologist/birdwatcher I love the birds
Me too! I am a birder too. So I’m going to have to say that birds are my some of my favorite animals. But I do love all animals. I can’t just pick one. Lol!
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