When importing from Flickr, Facebook, or other online sources more options for selecting images

When importing from Flickr, or other online image storage services, the photo selection is in order of image upload (most recent first) only:

This makes it difficult and extremely time consuming if you need to import older images as you have to scroll through your entire photostream to get to an earlier image.

Adding the following options, or even one of them, would help make this easier:

  1. Allow using HTML link of the image(s)
  2. Allow searching by image name
  3. Allow searching by date range
  4. Allow narrowing down to album to select images rather than being restricted to only the entire photostream

From there being able to select photos from within the album would make things much easier.


I agree that being able to select pictures by album or date range on Flickr would be neat. There is a work-around though: If you have a title/tag/description or similar searchable meta data on your Flickr photos, you can use the search box (to the right of the Source: Flickr pull-down menu) to narrow it down to just those photos. So you could add a tag with the album name to all your pictures in that album and then use the search method to just show those, or tag your pictures on Flickr with the year or a month-year combo to be able to search for those.

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