Where can I look at the observations I follow?

Just a jerk question… it is possible to view all observation I marked with the follow option?

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On the website, you can go to your dashboard, hit the gear symbol next to “subscriptions,” and then choose “observations.” That’s the only way I know.


Thank you, but I mean, I really want to see just the observation I did Follow
it is possible to see all the observation I follow using that option? When I do what you mentioned, There appears around 1262 tabs… thats too much.
Maybe this should be a Request, but my english is so limite to explaing about what I have in mind… :( I use the option Follow as a discret way to “faved” an observation without give an alarm.


Yes, I think it is all the observations you are following, plus your own, because iNaturalist is set up so you automatically follow your own. That is the only way I know to see a list of all of the observations you follow at the same time. You should be getting notifications of the observations that you follow whenever they are updated, though (that is, whenever someone comments or adds an ID), but that wouldn’t be for all of them at one time because they are not updated all at the same time. Are you receiving notifications of updates to the observations you follow? On the website, those should be showing up on your dashboard. Your English is fine, by the way.


Someone else might know more than I do, and add to what I’ve said. (I’m just a regular user on iNaturalist.)

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So you want a list of your explicit subscriptions, rather than your automatic subscriptions. It would be nice if there was a Followed Observations tab on the “Manage all your subscriptions” page that showed only the ones created by using the Follow button (rather than by adding comments or IDs). I have wanted this functionality myself, so I think it should become a feature request. As you say, favourites aren’t suitable because they notify the observer unnecessarily.


thannnnnnnk you!!! that’s exactly what I tried to explain!! :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

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