Why does the Computer vision think a Crab is a fish?

Almost the first thing I saw when I logged on to iNaturalist today was this piece of gold! (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/240247916)

Of course my immediate reaction was to laugh at it. but later Ide check the suggested IDs… They were all fish. Why is this? like its obviously a crab.

no need to get so excited. the computer vision takes cues from identifiers and limits its suggestions to the “iconic taxon” of the observation. so if the first ID is a fish, the subsequent suggestions from computer vision will be fish. if you want other non-fish suggestions, just add a Decapod identification. that will shift the observation taxon to Animals, and you’ll get better suggestions from computer vision.


Test: uploading the same photo.


This is a well documented phenomenon:



It only suggests fish because the iconic taxon of the community taxon is a fish. This is how the CV knows when to identify the flower vs bug in a photo: it uses the current ID(‘s) to figure out the iconic taxon


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