Why does the map legend not explain shades, only symbols?

Try this:

  1. Open the Layer selector menu.
  2. Deselect Checklist Places and Range
  3. Select Checklist Places, and read the link in referenced by marina_gorbunova in her first post in this thread.
  4. Deselect Checklist Places
  5. Select Range, and read the second post by marina_gorbunova in this thread.

If you’re concerned that not every marker or color is explained in the map legend, you’re right. The map legend does not explain everything. I think there’s an assumption made that it would be relatively easy to figure out what the pink and green and orange represent if you understand which layers they go with, just like the blue of the ocean in the basemap isn’t explained to be water.

But if you think that’s a bad assumption, and if you think there is a good way to represent all the different kinds of information that could be included in the map, then I would suggest that you take a stab at laying out what a more complete Map Legend should look like, and share that here.

EDIT: On second thought, if you have thoughts on how a better Map Legend should look, I would share that over here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/add-map-legend-for-all-overlays-on-taxon-pages/7584.

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