Having trouble with place boundaries for a project

Hello all! First of all, thanks for all of your hard work everyone for making iNaturalist such a great place. I’m having trouble with a new project I’ve started. My goal is to have it focused within a boundary that encompasses both lands and waters, a “place” that was not previously defined and is not an easy compilation of existing places. I created a new place boundary to represent this region and I wasn’t sure if it will populate automatically with observations.

Also, I am not sure if I messed up, but I also had added a larger region than my intention to the project while I was playing around with it. I deleted that place/region from my project but observations from that greater area are still showing. Will they go away? Oops…

Here is the project link: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/biodiversity-of-key-west-to-the-dry-tortugas



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Also, strangely, the “extraneous” observations from the greater area show up when zoomed out but not when zoomed in. See images:

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Hi - welcome to the forum! The map tiles you see on iNat are cached, so when there are changes it can take a while for those to reflect visually. It doesn’t always update at the same time for all zoom levels which is why you can get the temporary oddities like this. Also each observation has to be one by one “added to” a new place, so it can take a while for the database to finish editing all the old observations. I’d check back later today and likely the issues will be resolved.


Thank you so so much! At first I thought I’d have to go in manually myself and add observations to the new place boundary. Thank goodness for technology!

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