Why have the private locations of Eastern Hog-nosed Snake in Ontario been revealed as obscured locations?

For as long as I can remember, observations of Eastern Hog-nosed Snake in Ontario have had their locations automatically set to private. However, I logged on this morning to discover that, albeit obscured, their locations have been revealed on the iNat map. Is this a mistake? I know their populations in Ontario are very sensitive and are highly vulnerable to poaching.

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Clearly it must have been realized that setting the location to ‘private’ is a terrible idea.


If you check the status tab on the taxon page, you can see that the Ontario status was updated on 8/12 by a curator who works for the Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC)

There have been discussions about making this taxon obscured as opposed to private for over two years. @cmcheatle may have thoughts/info on this, but I’m guessing the change is related to some of the reevaluation of taxon geoprivacy levels going on more broadly for Canada.

Also, just a note that the title of the post is a bit misleading in my opinion, as it makes it sound like previously obscured locations are now unobscured, when this isn’t the case. I’d suggest changing it to something more accurate when you get the chance.


Why do you think that? Location info for the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake in Ontario has been shared with professionals in the field. I can’t think of any dire need for the public to know where they can be found.

I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up!

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That’s what obscuring is for. Privating them makes it seem like it isn’t found in Ontario at all.


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