Wikipedia place page fragment is indexed by search engines

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website

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This is from the forum thread in General linked below, showing how the page fragment looks:

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

As raised by @graysquirrel in the iNat website html fragments containing wikipedia place descriptions show up in Google searches filtered by site:// These fragments, like , which comes up as the first hit when you search Google for botany bay site://, are not generally useful to end users. They are apparently there to provide content the “About” tab of iNaturalist place pages. In this case, the user-facing page is and that result also comes up in the same Google search.

Fortunately, the solution is simple. Add Disallow: /places/wikipedia/* to and Google and other search engines will stop indexing these page fragments, while not affecting the indexing of the user-facing place pages themselves.

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When I saw that it said “bug reports” I thought it was about reporting an actual literal bug. Like a insect or spider.

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I never use Google search so I was confused at first but I was able to replicate. Made an issue:

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