Had my first nature-related dream yesterday! I guess I saw a mushroom in nature and I tried to eat it and then I got nervous because I realized I forgot to identify it and ask anyone if it was safe :O oops!
I went to my parents’ house on the weekend and no one was home. I spent a happy ten minutes browsing their windowsills and trying to ID all the dead bugs in case there was something interesting. I’m not sure what they’d say if I uploaded such a stark reflection of their cleanliness standards. I found a large moth that was still alive and set it free though.
Oh come on… Dead critters just accumulate on window sills, that’s their style of life (or rather death).
Obviously and indication of worry about risky iNaturalist behavior! LOL! Or other risky behavior, or the risks of things you enjoy or the need to develop knowledgeable friends. Dreams are highly variable like that! LOL!
Not necessarily true. Sometimes I get an email that one of my obs has been ID’ed, and I have to open it to see when I took the picture. Sometimes they’re over a year old. I think certain IDers specialize in certain species/genus, etc.
Agreed. I often get ID’s on observations that are at least a year old. Some experts like to look at the oldest observations first. That winnows out the easily identified observations so they are only getting the challenging ones.
…when you think nothing weird about buying a package of 20 Green Jewel Beetle wings from Fire Mountain Gems and Beads to make into jewelry because…why not?
The iNat screen seems to be burned into my phone
I work in an old building with a bug problem and try and record all the bugs I see
When four skunks come bounding across the yard at you like a pack of puppies and all you can think of is. “Why don’t I have my camera ready?” (They veered off at the last second.).
they are so cuteee!!! some people keep them as pets
You know you’re seriously into iNat when you submit a correction/error to a newspaper for a misidentified plant.
When you look through the Google Photos album of your wedding and feel the need to hit X
or R
before moving on to the next photo…
EDIT: just clarifying that my wedding was six years ago - I looked at the album recently after attending a friend’s wedding.
You need to take two weeks OFF from iNat, Tony!
Saturday I was running late, turned on the light in the hallway and saw a spider on the wall that was one I’d never seen before. No time to take a photo. Turned off the light and told it to stay put until I came back (3 hrs later). Haven’t seen it again since.
You should put your obs in this project:
I typically evict spiders found in my apartment, but sometimes it happens that I find one at a time when it isn’t convenient to go and take it outside (late at night or whatever) and I will generally capture it in a glass or similar container until I have a chance to relocate it. Unless they are on the ceiling, capturing usually only takes a few seconds, and a couple hours in an enclosed space never seems to do them any harm.
This might be an option for any future occasions where a new housemate makes an appearance and you need it to stay put until you have time for introductions.
you have nightmares about iNat suffering a catastrophic server collapse leading to all of your observations being lost
I had been doing that until one time I caught a centipede and apparently left it in the container too long and it died. I think it got dehydrated. I knew I was going to be home at lunch but I never know how I’m going to feel when I get back. I may be too sick to take photos. (I have chronic illness)