Surprised to see the Flatinae in the Top 10. The rest are not surprising at all. Pleased to see I got a myzomela in the Top 10.
And yes, we have BIG insects in our area ( but this is Australia :p )
Somehow, several kinds of spider have made it in my top ten for organisms in my backyard this year. I’m not sure how it happened. All I did was take a few pictures of them here and there. I guess I took more than I thought.
This collection screams North America at me.
Yes, I live in the USA.
Here’s the one for my backyard. Backyard observations are 200 out of 340 observations this year. This deletes the waterfowl and adds a few bugs - definitely more typical for me. The eleventh most common observation was spiders.
Just a few pollinators amongst other things. Made this just RG so all the plants aren’t here that were recorded as host plants because they are cultivated.
fwiw 39 species of bees known to date in our yard.
Not the most accurate because I run a light sheet in my back yard every night during the summer so I obscure most stuff posted at my house. Roughly 1k observations this summer for insects in my city so it would be pretty apparent where I lived. Just looking at my observations Clepsis peritana, Parapediasia teterrellus, Atteva aurea, and Plutella xylostella should all be in here
I was a way a bit this year so missed some key times and I’ve got a bunch of Andrena, Nomada, Osmia, and Lasioglossum waiting to be identified.Just started keying the Lasios today.
What is with the backyard moose in Alaska? We have moose here in New England but they don’t come into people’s backyards often.
I just moved in mid-September, so here are the species for which I have more than one observation since then:
West Michigan usual sightings… I do have a 40acre backyard.
Although… the lady beetles and spiders are often on the house!
Here’s mine
A lot different than last year, I had lots of birds on my list for last year.
The mass amount of observations for Stenochironomus macateei was to help get it added to the iNat CV, and finally a few months ago it was added!
I don’t know. Moose love the backyards around here. It’s not unusual at all to wake up to one standing on your lawn or munching on your bushes.
I don’t have a backyard, so I drew a box around the town. Yes, I live near a lake. There are a bunch more species with one observation, not all of which are even birds!
…I don’t like Ring-billed Gulls that much, but they are usually easy to get photos of.
Not a big amount of cool species in top 10, I focused mostly on observing more species with one or two obs… surprised about #8 in my podium… I like those slugs though :)
I don’t have a backyard, so I drew a circle around the town center. No surprises here, because I go on a moth-walk every night. The first non-moth is at #19 a bug Dieuches armatipes, and the first vertebrate at #22 Tarentola mauritanica.
Edit: I collect all individuals of one species on one walk under one observation and add a note: seen x individuals on my walk.