Zoom into photos (100%) when adding observations

I’m actually really curious as to how people use the web uploader because for my workflow I’ve never needed to zoom in to 100%. I think this is because a) I crop and process all of my images in my photo editor then export small batches of photos at a time and never add more than about 20-30 images to the uploader in one session and b) I try to identify them to a decently fine level (if possible) when working through my photos in my photo editor, not in the uploader. Also, since most are pretty heavily cropped and also resized to be no larger than 2048 pixels on the longest side so zooming in to 100% doesn’t really help much.

How many photos are people putting into the uploader, and how much work do you do to them before putting them in the web uploader? I wouldn’t be against adding a 100% view to the uploader, but I guess I assume people have done all their careful identifying before using the uploader, which apparently is not the case.

I think you’re describing a known bug in the iOS app. This feature request is just for the web uploader.