Recently, I’ve been going through a lot of old identifications and research grade observations. When they are ided incorrectly and when I fix them I often get comments like:
“it’s not my fault I’m crap at spiders” etc.
I don’t want to point out any names to avoid and rudeness, but remember, if you made the ID fully knowing that the id was incorrect or that it could easily not be you identified it as, it… well… kind of is your fault. Don’t worry though, I’m not blaming anyone we all make mistakes and the best thing we can do is admit it, apologize if nessicary, and then move on and make up!
As a general rule something that can really help with your identifications is, even if it be for a split second, “do I know this is this?” if not just add a broad ID. Even if you are using the CV I suggest not adding a species ID to avoid it being incorrectly agreed upon and thus creating incorrect data. Always identify and agree upon observations that you can not because some other user you think is experienced did. That kind of independent identification is way, way more valuable than quickly clicking “Agree”, because it can be used to correct errors. It’s kind of like doing a long test, writing down the answer, then throwing out your previous work and redoing the whole thing from the beginning. If you arrive at different answers, then you know you must have made a mistake somewhere, and if you arrive at the same answer then you can be more confident that you did not make a mistake. If the person next to you just copied your answer you’d have two identical answers that cannot increase your confidence that the answer is correct.
Again, don’t worry! We all make mistakes just remember to be careful.
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