Actual Dr. Seuss critters ever uploaded to iNat?

There are many references to Dr. Seuss on iNaturalist and this Forum regarding strange-looking critters or strange-sounding critter names. I was just wondering, in the pantheon of deleted or Casual observations, has anyone ever (attempted to) upload an image of an actual Dr. Seuss character out of one of his many books?!

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Nope but I’ll let you know how it turns out :cowboy_hat_face:

I’ll delete the post after someone gets upset lol :crazy_face: maybe this would play out better on April Fools

There were a pair of well-known Dr Seuss trees in front of the Empress Hotel in Victoria BC:

My pic *

Someone else’s pic:

*I did not make an iNat obs, as it predates my iNat involvement by many years and, clearly, is cultivated

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:joy:Yertle the Turtle
Terrapin Re-enactor Guild

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Those kinds of trees are planted here in Oregon also. I am happy to see that someone other than me is reminded of Dr. Seuss characters when they see them!

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I started a thread last year about Seuss’s “Duck Feet” book that you might find amusing:

As for actual Seuss images?

I shot this the other day and I thought it could be mistaken (sorta) as the grinning head of a famous Whovillian:


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