Add a tool to batch edit conservation status for really big Red Lists

The title says it all. While looking for a tool like this, I came across this link: Unfortunately, this method has been discontinued, and we’re now directed to use the iNaturalist website to add conservation statuses. However, when dealing with large regional redlists, this process becomes far too time-consuming to handle species one by one. For instance, I’m currently adding the regional redlist of fungi for the former Midi-Pyrénées region in France, which includes about 4,597 species. Manually inputting this many statuses is incredibly time-consuming and repetitive. I already did use the one-by-one technique for many redlists but with not a lot of taxa. Having a tool that allows for bulk application of a specific status to multiple species would be immensely helpful.


This probably should be posted in the “Feature Request” category.

Perhaps one of the admins/mods can move of over there.

I agree that this sounds like a feature request in general, but it would need to be more fleshed out and the template complete, etc. to be considered for posting there.

Given that the proposal is suggesting a bulk import process, and staff have discontinued bulk imports, I’m not sure it would be implemented.

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