An invalid "Bounding Box" shows up when searching on location

This doesn’t seem to fit the definition of a Bug report, so I’ll describe it here…

When I attempt to search on Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, only two area choices pop up, both of which are small Bounding Boxes, neither of which encompasses the entire national park area.

“Elk Island National Park, Ardrossan, AB, Canada” is a small rectangle around a developed area within the park.
“Elk Island National Park Access, Ardrossan, AB, Canada” is a different small rectangle around a seemingly random section of road within the park.

Is it possible to correct this? Surely there should be a search on “Elk Island National Park” that would provide observations within the entire legally-defined national park boundary? I think there used to be.


The Location search is powered by google and doesn’t always give the expected results. Please use Filters -> More Filters -> Place

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Yes, that worked. Seems odd that it takes an extra step to get there but it solves it. Thank you very much.

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