Android App overwrites corrected name on website


  1. I have an observation of a flower on genus level.
  2. Today I find the summer leaves, make pictures with my phone.
  3. At home I find the correct species and correct the observation on species level on the website.
  4. In the app I add two picutures of the leaves.

What happens now, will the Android app overwrite the corrected name on the website and add the two photos to the observation?


Can you explain the issue in more detail? Is this a question, or a bug report? What do you mean by “the Android app overwrite the corrected name”? Thanks!

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Any update on this or should we close it?

I think it was a bug report cause the correct name is changed on the website. I think it’s an unimportant bug.

Here is an update:

And the opposite also occurs. It is difficult to update the taxa name in the android app, it has to be done a few times…