Android Fotoformat JPG not supported

Platform (Android,: 10QKQ1.200512.002

App version number:1.31.3 (612)
(Includes )

Step 1b: Import a photo via de Gallery into iNaturalist android app

Step 1a: Add a photo via de +button .

Step 3: Both 1a and 1b result in an error.

Tried recent photo’s, old photo’s, photo’s received via Whatsapp but nothing seems to work…
Processing of photo’s direct from the camera (no use of a photo picker) does work normal

Reinstall of iNat app three times (leaving beta mode takes some time).

Rollback to 1.30.15 (608) solves the issue.

Ich habe dasselbe Problem. Habe die App schon neu installiert, aber das Problem blieb bestehen. Wie kann ich zu einer älteren Version zurückkehren?

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