I am wanting to know, which I can’t find on the docs, what params are available. I am wanting to grab observations for a specific project ID, as well as limit the results and define the size of the image I want.
I do not see project_id listed as a valid param on v1 I do see project_ids
On v2 I do see project_id but that only accepts an array where as my 200 url I posted is a string/number
Are the swagger docs just out dated? Is there a comprehensive list for the API that shows all the param each method can take? And what about defining the size of the photo.
Both v1 and v2 /observations have a param “project_id” that takes an array as input. In your request you also specified an array, just with one element. E.g., this https://api.inaturalist.org/v2/observations?project_id=17548,17549 has two elements and therefore more total results.