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Edit: I think what’s happening is it being introduced in the United States is overriding it being native to Hawai’i even though the mainland US is irrelevant to this observation.
Yes, that’s how the system works, see here for a few more details.
Within the bounds of the current system, you need to remove the introduced status for the US and make sure it’s marked introduced in each relevant state (possibly just Texas and Florida? I don’t know the introduced range).
Similar to taxonomy where we try to follow external authorities, we follow GADM for our standard places, which are broken down politically.
Personally, as someone born and raised in Hawaii, I’ll say people often don’t think it’s an actual “real” US state (I’ve been asked by people at very prestigious colleges if we use US currency in Hawaii, for example) and I wouldn’t want to further that confusion any. But yes, it’s weird having Hawaii be under the US on iNat and be so different ecologically. There are always going to be compromises as iNat deals with both non-humans plus humans and all the baggage we bring along with us.