"Become a monthly supporter" should not be displayed to existing monthly supporters

Minor bug, what the subject says :)

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Is this on the website, app (if so which one), both?

If you’re referring to the notice on the sidebar of the web dashboard, I’d assume it’s intentionally displayed to everyone, so not a bug.

There’s an (x) in the corner which dismisses that notice forever.


an both are not translated… but in plain english. Seems to be temporary texts, so nothing to worry about.

Apologies for posting this and not following up on your responses, @cthawley @bouteloua @optilete.

Yes, I am referring to the web dashboard. At Wikimedia, we explicitly hid fundraiser messages after donors donated. I think the same principle should apply here for recurring donors. I don’t know if sidebar notices have the ability of checking user information before being loaded, if they do this notice should honor whether a user has an active monthly donor badge.


Since this isn’t a bug, I’ll close it - if you want to submit as a feature request, there’s a separate template with questions for filling out when you create a topic in that category.