I’m glad, it is a good book and both authors are good people too.
Published in July 2022 by Quiller Publishing (October 2022 in the USA by Stackpole Books) - with a lot of help with photographs from iNat members:
Not really a field guide but the illustrations are useful even if you don’t have a microscope:
Insects of Hawaii vol. 17 – Hawaiian Hylaeus (Nesoprosopis) Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
(hard copy)
Here’s my book @robhallock, a Mushroom Word Guide: Etymology, Pronunciation, and Meanings of over 1,500 mushroom-related words.
I remember the thread asking for pictures.
What would be great for this wiki:
to mark those publications that used iNat data or photos - thus to show how the platform contributed to these books
Twan Leenders has written three books that I know of on the herps and wildlife of Costa Rica. I have the one on reptiles, and I think it’s great. It’s very helpful in that it describes differences between very similar species.
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