Books by iNatters - wiki

I know a lot of iNat people have written books - in fact, I just now had the cool experience of clicking on a helpful identifier’s profile and realizing they’re the author of one of the ID guides on my bookcase!

I thought it would be cool to put together a list of books by iNatters. Especially since the holiday season is approaching, and we nerds need to start hinting about appropriate Christmas presents lest we be given nothing but scented soaps and gift cards for Olive Garden.

If you’ve written a book, or you know of one written by another iNatter, please add it to the list (anyone can edit). It doesn’t have to be nature related.

Matt Ritter (slowplants)

  • A Californian’s Guide to the Trees among Us

Donnie Barnett (ethicaldesert)

  • The Penstemon of Southeastern Colorado
  • The Cactus of Colorado
  • The Cactus of New Mexico (coming soon)

Jennifer Ackerfield (jackerfield)

  • Flora of Colorado

Kelly Allred (kallred)

  • Flora Neomexicana (3 volumes)
  • Pocket Guide to the Flora of the Jornada Plain

Barbara Wilson (sedgequeen)

  • Field Guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest (1st and 2nd editions)
  • Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington

Fred M. Roberts (fmroberts2) and Robert L. Allen (bugbob)

  • Wildflowers of Orange County and the Santa Ana Mountains

John Manning

Tony Rebelo

Tod Boland (tod_boland):

  • A Newfoundland Garden: Growing Fabulous Flowers
  • Favourite Perennials for Atlantic Canada
  • Gardening for Acidic Soils: Working with Nature
  • Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Shrubs and Vines for Atlantic Canada
  • Wildflowers of Fogo Island and Change Islands
  • Wildflowers of Nova Scotia: Field Guide
  • Wildflowers of New Brunswick: Field Guide
  • Wildflowers and Ferns of Newfoundland: Field Guide
  • Trees and Shrubs of the Maritimes: Field Guide

Michael Lüth (michael-lueth)

Kelly Allred (kallred)

  • Preliminary Guide to the Bryophytes of New Mexico

Christian Schwarz (leptonia) and Noah Siegel (noah_siegel)

Daniel Winkler (danielwinkler)

Charlie Eismann (ceiseman)

  • Leafminers of North America
  • Tracks & Sign of Insects and Other Invertebrates

Shaun McCoshum (ShaunMichael)

Olivia Carril (sturnella) and Joseph Wilson

Heather Holm (heatherholm)

  • Pollinators of Native Plants (2014)
  • Bees (2017)
  • Wasps (2021)
  • Common Native Bees of the Eastern United States (2022)

Chris Alice Kratzer (humanbyweight)

Tom Murray (tmurray74)

  • Insects of New England & New York (2012)

Matt Niemiller (cavemander)

Matt Niemiller (cavemander)

  • Cave Life of the Ozarks (published by National Speleological Society)
  • Cave Life of TAG

Thomas Mesaglio (thebeachcomber)

Joe Rowlett @joe_fish

  • Indo-Pacific Corals

Mark Rosenstein @maractwin

  • Fiji Reef Fish

Francois Libert @francoislibert

  • Decouvrir la vie sous-marine, Mer Rouge, ocean Indien, ocean Pacifique

Glen Whisson @glen_whisson

  • The Perth Coast Fish Book

Sheri Williamson (fg2hummingbirds)

Ted Floyd (floydted)

  • How To Know The Birds
  • ABA Field Guide to the Birds of Colorado
  • Field Guide to the Birds of North America
  • Atlas of Breeding Birds of Nevada

Nik Borrow (nikborrow)

  • Birds of Western Africa


1 Like @ceiseman @ethicaldesert @ShaunMichael

The bees in your backyard by Wilson and Messinger Carril @sturnella

Flora of Colorado @jackerfield


Books by Heather Holm @heatherholm heatherholm:
Pollinators of Native Plants (2014)
Bees (2017)
Wasps (2021)
Common Native Bees of the Eastern United States (2022)


I’m co-author of these books from Oregon State University Press:

Field Guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest (1st and 2nd editions)
Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington

Both books include all the species known from Oregon and Washington. Both include a dichotomous key as well as photos and text, so you can use them like field guides or like keys, as you prefer.


two by myself :)

Seashells of North Haven Beach
It’s Helico-pter, not Heli-copter: A Beginner’s Guide to Deconstructing Scientific Words and Names


also, this seems like it may be best served as a wiki so that it’s editable by anyone, like the iNat papers threads?


By cavemander (matt neimiller)
Reptiles of Tennessee
Amphibians of Tennessee

Also Cave Life of the Ozarks, and Cave Life of TAG which are designed to be throw-in-cavepack field guides; I am actually not sure where online to find those I think you may have to call the NSS bookstore.


Good point, I’ve converted it to a wiki now!

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A Field Guide to Hummingbirds of North America, @fg2hummingbirds


I added Wildflowers of Orange County and the Santa Ana Mountains by Fred M. Roberts and Robert L. Allen. I am guessing they both have other publications, but that’s the one I am familiar with and I haven’t checked for more.


@graysquirrel as the list grows - maybe it needs rough sorting by continents?
(Mostly North America so far)

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Insects of New England & New York by Tom Murray


@danielwinkler Daniel Winkler
Daniel is the author of field guides to Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest and California (both Harbour Publishing, 2011 and 2012), Amazon Mushrooms (2014, co-authored) and brand a new “Field guide to Medicinal Mushrooms of North America with Robert Rogers”.

Oh, also, this brand new one:

My new book “Fruits of the Forest” is being mailed now!

Finally, I have plenty of copies “Fruits of the Forest – A Field Guide to Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest” (which includes the California North Coast as well) in hand to mail out. I am very grateful if you order the book from me. If bought in a store or elsewhere online, I only receive paltry $1.25 per copy. If you intend to buy it for the holidays, please order in early December.

One might rightly ask, “why another PNW field guide ?” Well, all the other guides might inform in a word or in a sentence about edibility, but otherwise edibility and lookalikes receive way too little attention. So, I am offering lots of information on all relevant aspects for culinarily enjoying mushrooms. The book is infused with bits of knowledge (often not readily available in American mushroom guides) I picked up while mushroom hunting around the world and from lots of European sources. The book includes tips on how to best pick, transport, process and store mushrooms, including drying, powdering, freezing, pickling and brining. Some of this information is species specific: drying is a great way to preserve boletes or morels, but not good for chanterelles. Dry frying is crucial to enjoying mushrooms like Jacks (Suillus spp .), which when fried in oil or butter turn slimy. Special focus is on the Fourteen Fantastic Fungi, the easiest and safest mushrooms for beginners, but the book contains many mushrooms most field guides will not even mention as edible, but that I have found, often in European references listed as edible, and tried myself. While writing the book in the last two and half years, I have tried over 200 species of wild mushrooms, and no, I did not get sick once from the mushrooms. When available I included known toxins, commonly the ones that have to be neutralized by cooking or the ones of toxic look-alike mushrooms that unfortunately can not be neutralized


Your little book is the reason I wince everytime I hear someone say “Helicopter” now, lol


Joe Rowlett (@joe_fish Indo-Pacific Corals
Mark Rosenstein @maractwin Fiji Reef Fish
Francois Libert @francoislibert Decouvrir la vie sous-marine, Mer Rouge, ocean Indien, ocean Pacifique
Glen Whisson @glen_whisson The Perth Coast Fish Book

I have these!

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thanks for the heads-up! I didn’t have the book and just ordered it. If anyone else is looking for it and can’t find it, try


An acquaintance, not on iNaturalist, once remarked that he was an author of rare books but would rather be a rare author of books.

Tod Boland (tod_boland):

  • A Newfoundland Garden: Growing Fabulous Flowers…
  • Favourite Perennials for Atlantic Canada…
  • Gardening for Acidic Soils: Working with Nature…
  • Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Shrubs and Vines for Atlantic Canada: Choose…
  • Wildflowers of Fogo Island and Change Islands
  • Wildflowers of Nova Scotia: Field Guide
  • Wildflowers of New Brunswick: FG
  • Wildflowers and Ferns of Newfoundland:FG
  • Trees and Shrubs of the Maritimes: FG