I know a lot of iNat people have written books - in fact, I just now had the cool experience of clicking on a helpful identifier’s profile and realizing they’re the author of one of the ID guides on my bookcase!
I thought it would be cool to put together a list of books by iNatters. Especially since the holiday season is approaching, and we nerds need to start hinting about appropriate Christmas presents lest we be given nothing but scented soaps and gift cards for Olive Garden.
If you’ve written a book, or you know of one written by another iNatter, please add it to the list (anyone can edit). It doesn’t have to be nature related.
Matt Ritter (slowplants)
- A Californian’s Guide to the Trees among Us
Donnie Barnett (ethicaldesert)
- The Penstemon of Southeastern Colorado
- The Cactus of Colorado
- The Cactus of New Mexico (coming soon)
Jennifer Ackerfield (jackerfield)
- Flora of Colorado
Kelly Allred (kallred)
- Flora Neomexicana (3 volumes)
- Pocket Guide to the Flora of the Jornada Plain
Barbara Wilson (sedgequeen)
- Field Guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest (1st and 2nd editions)
- Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington
Fred M. Roberts (fmroberts2) and Robert L. Allen (bugbob)
- Wildflowers of Orange County and the Santa Ana Mountains
- Field Guide to Fynbos (South-Western Cape, South Africa)
- Field guide to proteas (Southern Africa)
Tod Boland (tod_boland):
- A Newfoundland Garden: Growing Fabulous Flowers
- Favourite Perennials for Atlantic Canada
- Gardening for Acidic Soils: Working with Nature
- Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Shrubs and Vines for Atlantic Canada
- Wildflowers of Fogo Island and Change Islands
- Wildflowers of Nova Scotia: Field Guide
- Wildflowers of New Brunswick: Field Guide
- Wildflowers and Ferns of Newfoundland: Field Guide
- Trees and Shrubs of the Maritimes: Field Guide
Michael Lüth (michael-lueth)
Kelly Allred (kallred)
- Preliminary Guide to the Bryophytes of New Mexico
Christian Schwarz (leptonia) and Noah Siegel (noah_siegel)
Daniel Winkler (danielwinkler)
Charlie Eismann (ceiseman)
- Leafminers of North America
- Tracks & Sign of Insects and Other Invertebrates
Shaun McCoshum (ShaunMichael)
Olivia Carril (sturnella) and Joseph Wilson
Heather Holm (heatherholm)
- Pollinators of Native Plants (2014)
- Bees (2017)
- Wasps (2021)
- Common Native Bees of the Eastern United States (2022)
Chris Alice Kratzer (humanbyweight)
Tom Murray (tmurray74)
- Insects of New England & New York (2012)
Matt Niemiller (cavemander)
Matt Niemiller (cavemander)
- Cave Life of the Ozarks (published by National Speleological Society)
- Cave Life of TAG
Thomas Mesaglio (thebeachcomber)
- Seashells of North Haven Beach
- It’s Helico-pter, not Heli-copter: A Beginner’s Guide to Deconstructing Scientific Words and Names
Joe Rowlett @joe_fish
- Indo-Pacific Corals
Mark Rosenstein @maractwin
- Fiji Reef Fish
Francois Libert @francoislibert
- Decouvrir la vie sous-marine, Mer Rouge, ocean Indien, ocean Pacifique
Glen Whisson @glen_whisson
- The Perth Coast Fish Book
Sheri Williamson (fg2hummingbirds)
Ted Floyd (floydted)
- How To Know The Birds
- ABA Field Guide to the Birds of Colorado
- Field Guide to the Birds of North America
- Atlas of Breeding Birds of Nevada
Nik Borrow (nikborrow)
- Birds of Western Africa