Can an observation be updated to include picture of same plant, different season?

I just tried to add a new picture to an observation I made in the spring. I seem to have obliterated the original pictures and am not sure whether I made a mistake or it was disallowed. It would be helpful to be able to look at plants through their life cycle.

New day = new observation. There are fields you can use to link them, though.


There is no process to ‘disallow’ an update, so it was not a technical issue you encountered.

As noted above however, the definition of an observation on the site is an encounter with a single organism at a single point in time. So even if it is the same plant, observing and recording it multiple times means they need to be done as separate records.


If you want to link these similar observations together, there are a number of ways to do it.

  1. You can post the separate observation links to the description.
  2. You can use the observation ID in the url as a mutual tag.
  3. You can use the “similar observation set” in the observation fields selection and input the observation ID there.

A lot of people including myself use these methods to track life stages of certain organisms, but seasonal variations of the same plant would work just as well.


thank you

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