Can I post existing Seek observations to iNaturalist?

Sorry to bother you but i messed up today and took all my photos in seek. Is there now a way to transfer them to iNaturalist? Thanks.

I moved this question to its own topic, since it wasn’t related to the topic it was posted under.

It’s not possible to post existing Seek observations to iNaturalist, you can only do that when you make a new observation. Seek really is meant to be an alternative to iNaturalist, not as a main avenue for posting to iNaturalist, so the posting functionality is limited. For more details, you can download the free Seek User Guide here:

If you have the photos saved in your device, you can post those as observations to iNat.


I thought Seek was meant for users too young to have iNaturalist accounts. If that had applied to me, I would have been upset to “graduate” to iNaturalist and be unable to carry my observations forward.

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