Canada - iNaturalist World Tour

The basic structures are laid out here:

and here:

Counties and Regions are similar with different powers. Cities and towns are the same with different populations.

How iNat handles it is up to them but consistency would be good.

All good. Might want to change the labelling to reflect that. The page linked to by @cmcheatle shows Haldimand-Norfolk to be a County. That’s wrong.

FWIW I just drove through Haldimand to go to Norfolk. All the signs on the road use the term county, as in ‘welcome to Norfolk county’ etc. The terms county, region and regional municipality etc are all pretty much used interchangeably here.

The official names of both Haldimand and Norfolk include the word County. The councils of both adopted those names as a means of flipping the bird to the Province when the Harris government was redrawing the map according to… well, it’s never really been clear to what, but they split the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk into two cities/towns called Haldimand and Norfolk without asking anybody if that’s what they wanted. The rest is one those quaint tales of stubbornness and spite of which history is so often made. Lovely part of the world, regardless. I spent a fair bit of time there doing fish stuff, mostly on Erie.

Just curious if anyone knows if there has been any kind of promotion or outreach in Quebec for the site recently ? The number of records coming in from Quebec seems to have very significantly increased in the last week or so.

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this project, running from 5 Jun 2020 to 31 Dec 2020 has 59,000 observations out of 230,000 in Quebec. maybe that’s related to the bump?

the latest journal post from the project reads:

Grâce à toutes les personnes qui ont partagé leurs observations au Québec depuis le 5 juin 2020, plus de 50 % de l’objectif du Défi biodiversité a déjà été atteint en moins d’un mois. 56 000 observations de plus de 5 000 espèces différentes ont été soumises par 3 500 observateurs. De plus, le Défi comporte un volet philanthropique, dans lequel la Fondation Espace pour la vie ( invite le public à encourager les participants au Défi en faisant un don de 0,01$ pour chaque observation enregistrée, afin de financer des activités à Espace pour la vie qui favoriseront la santé de la communauté.

La moitié des observations sont des insectes, le papillon amiral étant l’espèce d’insecte la plus observée. Le tiers est des plantes, l’asclépiade commune étant la plante la plus observée. Le mammifère le plus observé est le tamia rayé et l’oiseau le plus observé est le canard colvert. Un bel éventail de la nature qui nous entoure.

Nous avons jusqu’au 31 décembre pour atteindre l’objectif de 100 000 observations. Vous pouvez continuer à participer au projet en soumettant des observations de nature et nous vous invitons à relayer le Défi autour de vous. En plus de vous donner l’occasion d’une pause santé pour connecter à la nature, chaque observation contribuera à documenter l’état de la biodiversité de façon à ce que collectivement, nous soyons inspirés à mieux la protéger.

Profitez bien de l’été et de la nature qui vous entoure.

in English:

Thanks to all the people who have shared their observations in Quebec since June 5, 2020, more than 50% of the Biodiversity Challenge objective has already been reached in less than a month. 56,000 observations of more than 5,000 different species were submitted by 3,500 observers. In addition, the Challenge includes a philanthropic component, in which the Fondation Espace pour la vie ( invites the public to encourage participants in the Challenge by making a donation of $ 0.01 for each recorded observation, in order to fund activities at Space for Life that will promote the health of the community.

Half of the sightings are insects, with the admiral butterfly being the most observed insect species. The third are plants, with common milkweed being the most observed plant. The most observed mammal is the chipmunk and the most observed bird is the mallard. A beautiful range of the nature that surrounds us.

We have until December 31 to reach the goal of 100,000 observations. You can continue to participate in the project by submitting nature observations and we invite you to relay the Challenge to those around you. In addition to giving you the opportunity to take a health break to connect with nature, each observation will help document the state of biodiversity so that collectively we are inspired to better protect it.

Enjoy the summer and the nature around you.


I just noticed that this remains unresolved. Observations from Akimiski appear as being from Kenora District, Ontario, which does not seem to be a census division issue. It’s just wrong. Akimiski is part of Nunavut.

Unfortunately this can only be fixed by site staff, all the relevant geographies of Ontario, Quebec, and I assume at least without looking it up Nunavut are larger in size than even curators are allowed to edit.

@loarie OK.

Coming in late, and I don’t know if there has been any outreach, but there are a number of moth folks in Quebec who have been contributing for some time, with large numbers of observations.It makes language selection more difficile, but I’m learning!

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Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Chrome

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:

Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

The county boundaries for Muskoka do not match the actual boundaries of the county. I have a few Muskoka county projects that are not identifying observations made in the western Georgian Bay islands that fall within Muskoka county. The county lines include all the islands out to North Watcher and South Watcher Island, but don’t include Giant’s Tomb Island.

Step 1: Go to Muskoka-specific project or filter by Muskoka, ON for observations.

Step 2: Click on map tab.

Step 3: The county boundaries are outlines on the map tab and are not including observations in the Georgian Bay region as the county mapping is incorrect.

Muskoka GeoHub has the correct boundaries, except for the two Watcher Islands at the far west end of Muskoka. I would correct the boundaries myself, but don’t believe I have that option.


@afrusak I moved your post to this thread, which is about geographical issues with standard places in Canada.

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The Muskoka census division boundaries are the boundaries of the District Municipality of Muskoka so islands within the municipal area should be reflected on iNat. However, getting these things fixed seems to be a low priority. If you read some of the discussion up-thread you’ll see a reference to Akimiski Island being included in Ontario on iNat. That’s a big chunk of real estate to be in the wrong political jurisdiction but it remains unchanged.

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