Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.
Platform (Android, iOS, Website): PC Website
App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About): N/A
Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Chrome
URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages: All pages
Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices: N/A
Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):
Step 1: Signed in
Step 2: Get bumped off four or five times and hour sometimes 15 to 25 times a day for about two months now.
Step 3: I keep signing in over and over. I can get everything done but it is tedious having to sign in all day long every day.
I don’t have this issue with Chrome. It might be a cookies issue or something else with browser settings or add-ons? Have you checked the “stay signed in” option?
I check the stayed signed in box 25 times or more a day. I never helps. For the record this is the only site I have been having problems with, Facebook, Youtube, everything else works fine. I’ll try firefox and see what happens.
I honestly don’t know what an extension is. All I can say is I’m doing the same thing I’ve been doing for the seven or eight years I’ve been on iNat.
A browser extension is a small add-on to your browser. Many are adblockers or security extensions (eg I use an adblocker and one that supposedly prevents Meta from tracking me) and others are productivy ones, like text expanders. They can often cause issue with website functionality.
I’d be interested to know if you experience this issue with another browser like Firefox.
around the time this started happening, was there anything on your end that changed in terms of workflow, hardware, internet connection, etc?
when you get “bumped off”, how does that manifest on your end? are you just clicking to another page and (instead of being directed to that other page) getting redirected to the login page? or does this happen only when you start a new browsing session?
are you using only one machine? or do you use multiple machines to access the site?
is there anything specific that you do a lot in the system, especially just before you get “bumped off”?
do you sign in using user id (or e-mail) + password? or are you signing in using some other mechanism like using a Google login?
Thanks! I’ll be sure to mention that next time some tech support person asks, “Have you tried switching to Chrome?” It could save some troubleshooting steps.
Would it be useful to have this information about Chrome vs Edge somewhere (maybe in the line that says " Browser , if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) :"? Then we could have avoided an unnecessary extra step – i.e., Ken would have known that “another browser” didn’t mean Edge.
For some odd reason after many weeks of trouble all of a sudden all is working fine. Nonetheless, in the event it starts up again here is the info you requested.
There were no changes in my operating system hardware, internet connection or how I use iNat which has been working fine for me for nine (9) years.
Getting bumped comes with no warning during any operation on iNat including, uploading new obs, giving out IDs, commenting, making corrections/updates; basically anything for no particular reason that makes sense to me.
I do have a desktop but use it rarely and perhaps not in over three weeks.
There is nothing specific that relates to getting bumped that I can ID.
I sign in using my ID and password and checking the box to stay signed in. iNat has not allowed me to sign in any other way for several months now.
just to clarify, what does it look like on your end when you are “bumped”? for example, suppose you are on an observation adding a comment. does the “bump” occur as you open the observation? as you type the comment? as you click the button to save the comment? or after you go to the next observation after saving your comment?
how exactly do you know you’ve been bumped? do you get redirected to the login page? does the observation page just stop working and hang there? does your browser crash (forcing you to restart it)? or something else?