Captive Observations not in ID tool: - please add them by default

Your request has been addressed here but I that discussion had slipped my mind so I approved this feature request. The short of it is, it’s unlikely that including captive observations in Identify by default will happen unless the overall data quality structure and terminology change, but right now if you check “Captive” on the Identify page, it should show you all non-RG observations that you haven’t reviewed. So anyone interested in IDing observations marked as captive can click that.

This is because “Needs ID” on iNat does not include observations of wild organisms, and the default setting for Identify is to show you “Needs ID” observations that you have not reviewed yet (which I understand is the crux of request).

But just to address this specific case:

This only shows up when I click on Research Grade, but it doesn’t disappear when I turn off Research Grade and/or Needs ID. Which is a bit odd and might be a bug. We’ll take a look.

Would making the “Captive” box setting “sticky” or giving you a toggle on your Account Settings page to include observations marked as captive in Identify be useful for you?