Catalogue of life 2012 connection outdated

There is a discrepancy between the species on inaturalist and those on catalogue of life. For Polyplacophora (Mollusca) not all currently accepted species present on WoRMS or catalogue of life are present. When I try to search the taxa on inat the link I see is to Catalogue of Life: 2012 Annual Checklist which is obviously outdated. I presume it is still connected to the old database and not the new one? How can I add taxa to Inaturalist?

Welcome to the forum! Please flag taxa so that a curator can add missing taxa. For mollusks we use MolluscaBase, so if you can add a link it will make things easier. I’m guessing that the Catalogue of Life link is for automatic imports but it doesn’t guarantee anything. I have added Rhyssoplax discolor to our system.

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