Currently, this reads “original” for the link text, not max. There are two problems with this wording:
It’s a little confusing to some users, since iNat resizes images.
More importantly, in my opinion — It makes it unnecessary complicated/confusing in the very rare instance that an IDer is requesting a cropped photo (to clinch ID). In other words, no, I cannot see your original photo by clicking the “original” link. While this doesn’t happen very often, it would be a simple easy-to-make change that’s overall much more accurate.
i agree with this request, but i suspect that this won’t be done any time soon because it could involve a lot of changes, depending on how you approach it. the simplest change would be to only change the text labels on the photo pages in the website. but a more complete change would involve changing the names of the files themselves, which would result in many more downstream effects to deal with.
iNat only resizes images with dimensions over 2048px. So if the image is within those dimensions - it will not be resized and thus it will be the original.
True, and this is an important distinction because a new user (or potential new user) might incorrectly assume that anyone could discover the location of their obscured observation via downloading the “original” and viewing the metadata.