Change thumbnails on Favorite Taxa list?

I’m unsure if this is a feature that already exists and I’m just missing something or if it could be implemented. There are several taxa on my favorites list that have a thumbnail that I feel either does a poor job representing the taxon or is a species within the group that I don’t particularly care for. Is there a way to select a different cover photo from the photo repository on iNat?

Anyone can change the taxon picture -
on the taxon page
click Curation
then Edit Photos.

(There is history so it will be recorded - John added picture 3, moved 8 to 5, etc.

Changing the taxon photos because they aren’t representative is beneficial, but if a photo is otherwise good and just not a user’s personal preference, I probably would resist the urge to edit, as it will change it for everyone (especially if it is a species with many observations).


My question wasn’t about changing the photo for the entire taxon, just the way it displays on my favorite taxa page from my profile. I don’t want to change it for everyone.

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There isn’t a way to just change it for you.


Okay, thank you anyway.

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Actually, as a followup… When changing the default photo for a taxon, is it possible to change the way it crops? There have been several instances where the default photo is a very good representation of the taxon, but the default centered cropping leaves out important features of the organism (such as the head).

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No - not within iNat at least (unless it’s your own photo).

The only thing I can think of is that you could upload a cropped version of a photo to Wikimedia Commons if the license is compatible, then select that image on iNat.


If the photo is from an observation, you could also ask the original observer to upload a cropped photo to the observation and then choose it, though that’s a lot of work.


Darn, that’s unfortunate. Well, thank you for all your help anyway.

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