ChatGPT vs. Madagascar Mantises

I’ve only played with ChatGPT a little, and found it really surprisingly stupid. For some reason I decided to ask it about mantises in Madagascar today. I assumed it would fail miserably, but not quite as spectacularly as it actually did. Anyway, I found this interaction funny enough that I thought others might enjoy it too.



What is the weirdest mantis in Madagascar?


Madagascar is home to a variety of unique and fascinating mantis species. While the concept of “weirdness” can be subjective, one notable and visually striking mantis found in Madagascar is the Devil’s Flower Mantis (Idolomantis diabolica). This species is known for its impressive size, distinctive appearance, and behavior.

The Devil’s Flower Mantis is a large mantis species that mimics the appearance of a flower, and its coloration and body structure resemble a withered leaf. Its front legs have evolved to resemble flower petals, adding to its camouflage. This mantis is capable of swaying back and forth, mimicking the movement of a flower in the breeze. Additionally, it has a unique threat display where it spreads its wings to reveal bright colors, making it appear larger and more intimidating.

It’s worth noting that the perception of “weirdness” can vary among individuals, and there are many other interesting mantis species in Madagascar, each with its own unique features and adaptations. If you have a specific type of weirdness in mind, or if you are looking for information on a particular mantis species, please provide more details so I can offer more targeted information.


Is Idolomantis diabolica found in Madagascar?


I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. Idolomantis diabolica, commonly known as the Devil’s Flower Mantis, is not native to Madagascar. Instead, it is native to Africa, specifically found in countries like Tanzania and Kenya. I appreciate your understanding and diligence in seeking accurate information.

Madagascar is home to its own unique and diverse array of mantis species, but the Devil’s Flower Mantis is not among them. If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask.


Why did you say that Idolomantis diabolica was the weirdest mantis in Madagascar when it is not found in Madagascar?


I apologize for the error in my previous responses. It was indeed incorrect to state that Idolomantis diabolica, the Devil’s Flower Mantis, is found in Madagascar. I appreciate your bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for any confusion caused by the misinformation.

To correct the information: Idolomantis diabolica is native to Africa, not Madagascar. Madagascar has its own unique and fascinating mantis species, and I appreciate your understanding in clarifying this mistake.

If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to let me know.


Please list all of the mantis species found in Madagascar


Madagascar is home to a diverse array of mantis species, and it’s important to note that the list of species is not exhaustive, as new species continue to be discovered. Here are some examples of mantis species found in Madagascar:

  1. Ameles spallanzania: A small and slender mantis species.
  2. Creobroter gemmatus: Known for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns.
  3. Deroplatys desiccata: A leaf-mimicking mantis with a broad and flattened appearance.
  4. Empusa pennicornis: A mantis species with long, thin body parts, resembling twigs or grass.
  5. Euchomenella sp. nov.: Madagascar is home to various species within the Euchomenella genus.
  6. Heterochaeta orientalis: A mantis species with a distinctive shape and coloration.
  7. Miomantis caffra: A species known for its relatively large size and green coloration.
  8. Popa spurca: Also known as the African Twig Mantis, it has a slender and elongated body.
  9. Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii: A small mantis species with impressive colors and patterns.
  10. Sphodromantis viridis: Known for its large size and green coloration.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more mantis species in Madagascar. Additionally, the taxonomy and naming of mantis species are subject to updates and changes as scientific research progresses. If you are specifically interested in the most up-to-date and comprehensive list, it’s recommended to consult recent scientific literature or reach out to experts in entomology specializing in Madagascar.


Where does Sphodromantis viridis live?


Sphodromantis viridis, commonly known as the African Giant Mantis or the Giant African Mantid, is native to various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Its natural range includes regions such as Angola, Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The species typically inhabits grasslands, shrublands, and other vegetation-rich areas.

Sphodromantis viridis is recognized for its relatively large size, reaching lengths of up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) or more. It is a green-colored mantis, and like many mantises, it is an ambush predator, using its camouflage and stealth to capture prey.

It’s important to note that Sphodromantis viridis is a popular species in the pet trade, and individuals are sometimes kept as pets in captivity. If you’re interested in keeping one as a pet, it’s essential to ensure that it’s sourced ethically and to provide appropriate care based on the species’ natural habitat and needs.


You listed 10 species of mantis found in Madagascar. Which ones are actually from Madagascar?


I apologize for the confusion in my previous responses. It appears there was an error in providing information about mantis species specifically found in Madagascar. I appreciate your patience and diligence in seeking accurate information. To clarify, I’ll list mantis species that are known to be found in Madagascar:

  1. Archimantis latistyla: A mantis species native to Madagascar.
  2. Acontista multicolor: Another mantis species that is known to be found in Madagascar.
  3. Gonatista grisea: This mantis is found in Madagascar.

Please note that the information on mantis species in Madagascar may not be exhaustive, and new species may be discovered through ongoing scientific research. For the most up-to-date and comprehensive list, it is recommended to consult recent scientific literature or contact experts in entomology specializing in Madagascar.


Where is Archimantis latistyla found?


I apologize for any confusion in my previous responses. Archimantis latistyla is not a species native to Madagascar. Instead, it is primarily found in Australia. I appreciate your diligence in seeking accurate information, and I apologize for any misunderstanding caused by the previous errors.

If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with, please feel free to let me know.


I don’t think this means what GPT thinks it means! I do hope people understand that it’s a writing tool, not a research assistant.


how would you have felt if it answered your questions correctly?

i wonder how future folks will feel reading this thread?

sometimes it does answer quite well, but I wish the creators were far more explicit about what GPT is -NOT- reliable to do. which is to say, most things. In general, people around the world could benefit from more lessons in media literacy and critical thinking…


I would have been impressed if it answered my questions well. I think future versions of this kind of software are quite likely to do better, but at least for now they are often just fire hoses of (usually) well-structured nonsense.


One thing I found particularly odd about my Madagascar mantis interaction was that ChatGPT would correct itself when I didn’t even say it was wrong. All I did was ask a followup question about the incorrect information, without correcting or challenging the original answer. So it wasn’t learning from me, but somehow its subsequent response was (sometimes) more correct than its original response.


My understanding is that ChatGPT doesn’t have the ability to check its sources so I feel like it’s often just remixing stuff based on the old sources it has, and it doesn’t have much specific taxonomy knowledge to build off of. Similar reason if you ask it for references it will give you completely made up sources.

An AI like is able to live search for sources and gets better results.

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It’s terrifying how widespread it’s use is when the few times I’ve seen it try to speak on a subject matter I have expertise in its gotten so much wrong and what it has gotten right has been phrased really poorly


Well, at least there are some areas where it isn’t permitted to run free. In my editing job, I often have to format papers for various journals, and increasingly often, I see the journal Intructions to Authors state that ChatGPT and similar tools do not count as authors, and that if they are used for assitance with the writing phase (rather than the research phase), this must be disclosed along with the reason.


I wonder what a future GPT implementation will think when it reads it. Could get ugly.


I’ve experimented with asking Chat GPT and GPT 4 entomology questions and have found both versions to give pretty poor answers. I’m guessing that is because most research papers are hidden behind paywalls and therefore never made it into the training data.

Both versions do a better job with more general questions. I received far more credible responses when I asked them to compare the advantages of small versus large conservation areas for biodiversity preservation. Even asking it to compare small and large conservation areas with the Home Grown National Park initiative didn’t cause it to hallucinate.


Humans are still better than AI!

Generate an image of two giant mantids pulling a sleigh.



From what I understand, if you had a raw copy of this type of software on your computer, you can train it with good data, instead of using the model given by ChatGPT. Then it should be more useful. So, I envision feeding it data sets of things like plant character measurements, then asking the average size of say, a leaf from a certain species. I want to try this.

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That is interesting

That is so weird. It nailed the idea of “giant mantid”, and flunked the idea of “pull”. I love it!

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After the photo op for Insta … staff will pull the sleigh back into the shed.

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I asked it to create a dichotomous taxonomic key for Genus Arctostaphylos, and the result was very poor, but I assume this sort of thing will improve.

Really it is predictive analysis, mostly, kind of like when you have suggestions turned on for typing text on your smart phone.

I’ve used it to help with computer programming, but again, it makes mistakes, but is still helpful.

Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, “draw a picture of a caterpillar smoking a pipe and playing badminton.”


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I asked it to explain:


Did you pass the Turing test?


I don’t take the Turing test, as I’m a machine learning model created by OpenAI called GPT-3.5. The Turing test is typically used to evaluate the human-likeness of a conversational agent. How can I assist you today?


you are not a conversational agent, how not?


I am a conversational agent in the sense that I’m designed to engage in conversations and provide information or assistance. However, my responses are generated based on patterns and information present in the data on which I was trained. I lack true understanding or consciousness, unlike a human conversational partner.


What types of patterns?


I recognize patterns in language structure, usage, and context. My training involves exposure to a diverse range of internet text, allowing me to understand and generate human-like text based on the patterns present in that data. These patterns include grammar, semantics, and the ways in which people typically express ideas in written form.


Why do you sometimes not know what data belongs to which sets?


I don’t have direct access to information about specific data sets or knowledge sources. During training, I was exposed to a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data. The specifics of individual documents or sources within those sets are not something I’m aware of. My responses are generated based on patterns and information present in the data I was trained on, without a detailed understanding of the origin of each piece of information.


Can I get a copy of this software to train with my own data?


I’m sorry, but as of my last update in January 2022, OpenAI has not released GPT-3 or GPT-3.5 for public training. The model is resource-intensive and requires specialized infrastructure to run. OpenAI has provided access to the model through APIs, allowing developers to integrate its capabilities into applications.

If there have been changes or new releases since my last update, I recommend checking OpenAI’s official communications or website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


How exactly were you trained?


I was trained using a method called unsupervised learning on a diverse range of internet text. The training process involves predicting the next word in a sentence given its context, and this is done over and over again with vast amounts of data. The model learns to generate coherent and contextually relevant text by capturing patterns, grammar, and information present in the data.

It’s important to note that I don’t have explicit information about which documents were part of my training set or any knowledge about specific sources. My responses are generated based on the patterns learned during training.


So fact checking by yourself is impossible?


That’s correct. I don’t have the ability to fact-check information independently. While I can provide information and answer questions based on patterns learned during training, I don’t have real-time access to databases or the internet to verify the accuracy of specific details. It’s always a good idea to double-check important information from reliable sources. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to assist!


In a conversation with you, what if I provide corrected or new data in context to the previous question?


If you provide corrected or new data in the context of our conversation, I’ll do my best to incorporate that information into my responses. However, keep in mind that I don’t retain memory of past interactions within a single conversation, so I respond based on the immediate context. Each input is treated independently, and I don’t have a continuous memory of our ongoing dialogue. Feel free to share the updated information, and I’ll respond accordingly.


If you cannot fact check, what is the best use of this ChatGPT?


ChatGPT can be valuable for a range of purposes, including:

  1. Information Retrieval: I can provide general information on a wide variety of topics based on the data I was trained on up to my last update in January 2022.

  2. Idea Generation: I can help brainstorm ideas, suggest creative solutions, or assist with writing prompts.

  3. Learning Assistance: I can offer explanations on various concepts, though it’s important to verify critical information from authoritative sources.

  4. Language Translation: While not perfect, I can attempt to assist with basic language translation.

  5. Programming Help: I can provide basic programming guidance and answer coding-related queries.

Remember to use information obtained from me as a starting point and verify critical details from reliable sources, especially for important or sensitive matters.