City Nature Challenge 2021 observation count and time wrong

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Today I’ve made 27 Observations as part of the City Nature Challenge. All the observations uploaded and are reflected on the website for my profile. But when I look at City Nature Challenge San Francisco and click on my observations for that project, it says I’ve only made 17 observations today. Second strange issue: I began observing this morning around 9 a.m., April 30th. The list of my observations on the website claims a began soon after 1 a.m. I don’t see anywhere to fix that. Here are relevant screen shots of what I see:

Thanks for looking into this.

You made only 17 verifiable records yesterday, as I know this CNC doesn’t record casual observations.

To fix the dates and times on your observations, on the website you can choose “Edit Observations” from the dropdown menu next to your profile photo. Maybe some of the photos you took on April 30th have dates of April 29 on them because the settings for the date and time on your camera are incorrect.

Could you provide links to your observations from April 30 that are not labelled “casual” and that are not appearing in the project?

As @fffffffff said the CNC Bay Area project only includes verifiable observations, so observations lacking media evidence (eg or observations of non-wild organisms won’t be included in it.

As for the time offset, I think this has to do with your account not having a time zone. If you add a time zone in the Account Settings page of the website, I think this might fix it going forward. My account is set to Pacific Time and I see your observations in what I think is the correct time:


Thanks for the reply. I’m a newbie at iNat and CNC and didn’t realize what “Casual” meant. I do now! Makes sense.

Thanks so much for helping me out with this. I’ll go in and take care of the time zone thing. Cheers, E

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Hi Paloma, I think the issue with the count difference is that I didn’t realize my “casual” observations weren’t included in the CNC project. My bad.
Regarding the time issue: all my photos are done on my iPhone. tiwane suggests my iNat account needs to have a time zone, so I’ll take a look at correcting that. Thanks for your help! E