You can only do it if you are following them, are you doing that ?
I’m not following anyone. I used to, but it clogged up my dashboard which I use to retrieve lost notifications. Ok, so then to be clear, the only way to trust someone is to follow them first? If so I would like to suggest that be changed. If I trust someone with my locations it doesn’t necessarily mean that I also want to follow them. And vice versa.
As of right now that is the only way to do it, unless you want to give them your password so they can log in as you which I suspect is highly unlikely.
unless you want to give them your password
eh, they can just PM me for the locations. That way is better, in some ways, than the trust system, as I can then keep tabs on who is visting a population.
A post was split to a new topic: Comprehensiveness of conservation statuses on iNaturalist?
Answering my own question here. Just discovered that if you go to any of your own obs (doesn’t work on other people’s obs for some reason) and, where a user has made an ID or a comment, click on the drop down ‘flag arrow’ and you’ll see that you can trust them there. It works for me and I don’t follow anyone.
alexanderr appears here now too right?
yes he does. Or did, before I ended the test by removing him again.
update: bouteloua has now added a feature request here:
A post was split to a new topic: Unable to download all hidden coordinates for my project