Collecting Project -- bounding box issue?

I’ve created projects for our local land trusts to be able to collect data on what iNat users are finding in the preserves (we’ve even done an iNat workshop to get people started using iNat!). I have created a few projects that don’t collect any observations (which I know are there). I think I’m running up against the “bounding box” issue. Is there any way around that (other than just making a place larger than the boundaries of the actual preserve?).

Here are two examples:

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The first of your projects does have >100 observations - sometimes it can take a little time for them to show up I think.
For really small places (which will always have trouble with accuracy circle requirements), you can make a traditional project which allows you to manually add observations.
You can also impress on users the need for fairly accurate observations (not that you should encourage them to just edit the accuracy value so it is low enough to get inside the place).


Thank you. You are right. Much appreciated.

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