Good morning from Ioannina, Greece!!
I have created two projects labeled “Ioannina Castle” and " Παιδαγωγικό Τμήμα Νηπιαγωγών" respectively in my hometown. 1st and 4th year early childhood university students participated. Prior to the first project I gave them a questionnaire that has questions like “Do you believe that INaturalist can connect you with nature?”, “Would you consider using INaturalist/Seek in the kindergarten?”, etc. In addition, they had to fill in the Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) (Frantz&Mayer, 2004). Now it’s about time to give them the post questionnaire to see whether INaturalist did anything to the CNS score. Does anyone know if there has been any INaturalist related questionnaire or perhaps? I ve contacted a member of INaturalist in Hong Kong who has created a INaturalist use Questionnaire, I’ve been searching in Scholar and I ve found quite a few papers, dissertations, etc. I am considering to see if the frequency of use of the application, or the number of observations correlates, but still something is missing. When I started using the app I felt that it really helped me reconnect somehow with nature. How can I put it down to a survey? I wonder…I’d be very pleased if anyone knows something about that concept. Any advice would help! Thanks!