Corvallis OR doesn't show up as an option for Identify

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When I use “Your Observations” I can select “Corvallis OR USA” for the location. However, when I use “Identify” that option doesn’t come up in the list (though two locations within Corvallis do come up.

Id tab uses iNat places, not Google places.

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Good to know why it’s happening. Still, this is something that could usefully be fixed, especially as I use Identify like “Your Observations” to see and easily move among my observations.

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Add that place to iNat.) If you use it for ids, it’ll be useful for observations too.

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Hi @sedgequeen, this is not a bug, so I changed the category to a General topic. iNaturalist places (which Identify uses by design, as Marina noted) are maintained by the iNat community. If you can find a shapefile, KML file, or KMZ file for the boundaries of Corvallis, or point to where one can be downloaded online, this can easily be added to the community curated places in iNaturalist. Feel free to send me a private message if you would like assistance with getting that done (we’ll need to share emails).


Completely off topic, but I know someone else from Corvallis!

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Given the holidays and some work I have to do that may take a little while, but I’ll see if I can find one.

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