Does "Identify" mode not exist on the phone app?

I’m not sure if this is a bug or not. I’ve always done my iNatting entirely on my laptop, but recently I was doing some identifications on my phone (a Google Pixel 7), and there seemed to be no way to access the Identify feature. That is, I had no trouble suggesting IDs on observations, but I was reviewing observations in the Leafminers of North America project and didn’t want to keep seeing the observations I had already reviewed.

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It does not exist.


Thanks. I wonder why not…

Because not even iNat staff can work all the miracles all at once?


Fair enough; I just thought that if I accessed the iNat website through my browser instead of using the app, that all the features I normally see would be there. But I only had a flip phone until recently, so I’m new to the concept of websites missing some features when viewed on a phone.


Oh, if you’re using the website on a phone browser, it is there, it’s just hidden under the “more” tab. Sorry I misunderstood and thought you were asking about the iNat app, which has no Identify feature.

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I haven’t found an explicit mention of this anywhere, but is it safe to assume that someday the phone version will have the Identify mode?

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For Android, there isn’t something called “Identify”, but you can tap “Explore” and filter by location, lifeform, and needs ID. From there, you can identify but it’s called “Suggest ID”. The best part of this interface is that you can run CV on any of the photos for suggestion. The worst part is that it can slow down and crash and filters aren’t saved, like a web-based identify URL. Personally, this makes it 3-6x slower vs. website with keyboard shortcuts.

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Thanks! You didn’t misunderstand; I was asking about the app at first, but I had also tried going through the website and didn’t make clear that I had tried both. I tried again now and found it with no problem; somehow before when I tried to go through the website, it just took me to the app–at least, everything looked exactly the same as on the app. However, now that I can get to an Identify button or link, when I click it it just takes me to the page I’m already on, without going into Identify mode. Oh well.

Yes, I’ve been able to ID observations using the “Suggest ID” button, but what I want is for the ones I’ve already reviewed to disappear from view, as happens on the desktop version in Identify mode when I refresh the page. Also I want to review observations whether or not they are “Research Grade,” and I wouldn’t see those if I select “needs ID” (although I guess I could save those for when I’m on my computer).

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I think new features, etc. aren’t a priority for the current apps. Eventually there’s supposed to be a newer, better app: iOS app = android app WHEN?

True sometimes on phones it keeps trying to redirect you back to the app by default. You may be able to change that in your settings. I made my phone ask me every time whether I want to open inat links in the browser or the app.

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Staff said app is not for iding, it’s for observing.

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Maybe some day, but not anytime soon. It would require a whole bunch of new designs and coding to make it a really efficient option for a mobile device. The mobile apps are primarily designed for the two main use cases for when one is on a mobile device - making new observations and searching for nearby observations. People definitely do like to add IDs while, say, waiting in line or at a bus stop, so we understand the desire for an Identify mode that works well with mobile.


FYI, there is a stand-alone app for IDing only: ‘Seek iNaturalist’. I’ve never used it though…

When we say “identifying” we mean placing IDs on (other people’s) existing observations, not trying to figure out what organism is currently in front of us.

Seek provides computer vision suggestions in the live camera mode of your phone, even if you don’t create an observation. So yes in that sense it is for identifying, but not in the in the way we mean it here.


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