When one looks at the list of 'Top Identifiers of …", it appears that iNaturalist is suppressing identification of observations marked as ‘casual’ from the total.
Regardless of how iNaturalist treats the data from casual observations, users identifying them are still contributing their time and effort and in my opinion, these identifications should be counted on the user’s tally.
In every observation with ID there is a list of the top identifiers for that taxon, and I can’t see anything like this. This is the section I’m talking about, from an example page here: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/26888458:
By comparison, in the taxon page, there is this display with the full tally:
Yet there seems to be no way I can see of filtering or unfiltering in either of these places, without going into the leaderboard. This, in a way, is potentially depriving identifiers of due credit by implying that their identifications of casual observations do not exist, when one views the leaderboard shown on the observation page.
I was talking about going into the leaderboard and changing the filters from there. Looks like iNaturalist doesn’t have the feature you are looking for.