Currently I fave observations which I want to come back to and look at in more detail at a later stage.
Would we be able to add a reason why I faved it (which only I can see) or notes to jog my memory. Did I just like the ob. or did I vote for it as an observation of the month or do I feel that I can help further with the ID if I ever have time to sit down and work through all my papers and notes. Perhaps also some sort of keyword (which only I can see) to act as a filing system?
As I like your idea, I just tested out something.
We have a “journal” on our dashboards.
Just create a new page, copy the url of the observation you want to mark and add a little note.
I just did it with one of my favourites.
As you are in the position to add a title to your entry you could name it: check later.
Okay, it is a bit more complicated, if there is not much time… than mark the favourite itself, but it would be a way to do a list…