Cutest observation you've found? (Observation stories, part 1?)

Took this picture today. I think it’s pretty cute.


I’m doin’ good! Toots says BUHK HI! :joy:
Woah! What was your daydream about?

Hey @lettherebelight and @brownfam, you’re getting way off topic. Please create a private message if you want to have a private discussion.

apologies! I was going to message saying “Hey let’s talk here” But I closed the browser and forgot about it!

I found this observation. These bats look like cotton balls​:bat::heart:


Adorable! Your observation is missing a date, though, so it’s Casual. Do you think you could add that?

It wasn’t mine, but I still thought it was lovely

Oh, oops. I didn’t notice, sorry.

I found my kitten outside. I also found a cute baby bird. There’s many creatures where I live. From cats to turkeys

Welcome to the forums Airsickspace! Baby birds are adorable :heart:

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Oh well, since many people have been drifting into baby-animal-land, I might as well share this. The photo isn’t great but it is just so adorable!



These guys one by one were trying to run away from me, but fell on their backs and couldn’t get up, I layed them in right position, but then next one would try to run and again was on its back.
And this ruddy turnstone chick.


All of these I saw but did not have my camera with me but here is what they look like.

Spur-winged plover chick-

Paradise shell duck-

Pied stilt-

Pied shag-


Red-billed gull

Black-billed gull

Black-billed gull

King fisher/kotare

Black backed gull

south island pied oystercatcher

Eastern bar-tailed godwit

south island pied oystercatcher

British yellowhammer

Coastal Californian quail

European goldfinch

Black backed gull


Great topic

Those Callipepla quails are the cutest; that little curlicue on their heads has somehow become de rigeur in cartoony drawings of quails, even though they are the only genus of quails that have it.


Had to search Kelp gulls you call black-backed, as it’s not Great black-backed and not Lesser black-backed!

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The New Zealand subspecies

I saw your other observations, they’re very beautiful gulls!

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