ah, my time to shine has come again for sharing links! I believe some of the confusion in the above posts about gender vs sex and is from some mixed up terminology (the morderm expression I think Astra was trying to use was “Assigned gender at Birth” (often shortened to AGAB), often used to discuss “gender socialization” before someone came out as, or realized they were trans/nonbinary/genderqueer–
As for
“Some cis women were recorded male at birth, but they have periods and can get pregnant and more importantly, have ovaries and not testes, so it makes no sense to call them trans women”
– I believe Cyanfox is talking about people who are intersex-- people who are born with abnormal chromosomes and or physical traits is best summed up by “ambiguous genitalia”; intersex children are routinely and forcibly assigned a gender at birth, up to and including performing surgury on infants to make their existing sex characteristics more closely resemble their assigned gender and often have the truth hidden from them their entire lives, even when they’re kept on medications and hormones as children and young adults.
If someone is intersex and raised as a girl, but later realizes that they feel more like a boy, even before finding out about their intersex status, it’s entirely each individual’s prerogative as to how they identify, and there are as many trans intersex individuals as there are trans individuals who are not intersex. Being intersex does not automatically make you trans, or nonbinary, or cis, or anything; intersex individuals have as much self determination and capacity to explore their gender as anyone else.
In fact. This is not a random example.
May I present to you, the 116 year old memoir’s of a jewish, intersex man born in 1884 and raised as a girl from birth-- the Memoirs of N. O. Body, aka Karl. M. Baer, who would be 134 years old this year :)
Here’s the english translation available to borrow on the Web Archive’s lending library:
and if anyone here speaks german, here is the original 1907 version, which is public domain but not available elsewhere online (that I have found) due to lack of awareness / no one currently wants to transcribe the old german by hand lol
two different silent film adaptions were made of N.O.Body’s memoirs, in 1912 and 1919-- only the 1912 version exists today, as Nazis destroyed the 1919 version!
These memoirs are 116 years old and I am eager to read them-- I just got my physical copy in the mail the other day! If anyone knows of any other historical queer documents, let me know, I’ve made it my mission to get my hands on as many physical copies of different works as I can for preservation