Do identifiers like to be thanked, and if so, should observers tag you to say thank you?

When I am going thru my notifications. Or ploughing thru the old Pre-Mavericks.
I see an obs where

  1. The observer has a wrong ID
  2. Two trusted identifiers add the right ID (they agree) . Perhaps with a (polite and) helpful explanation of the right and wrong.
  3. Observer leaves an enthusiastic thank you!
  4. I am still identifying at that obs because the observer has left it trapped at a broader ID. That is NOT saying thank you, that is making work.
  5. I favour walking the talk. If an identifier has taught you something, pay it forward. Sort out your own obs where the help applies. Then help to clear the backlog for the identifier. That is a sincere and appreciated thank you - I see you joining in clearing the backlog. Thank YOU!

(Note to self - find the recent obs where my - why is it ant-like beetle, not an ant? - was answered by @egordon88 - NO elbow in the antenna!)

Always more to learn on iNat - 5 obs for a relative in Chile.