I have only my Flickr! account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jan_f_rasmussen/collections
I have a few: my eBird profile, a list of species I’ve IDed, my iNat stats for each year, and nature-related websites I like.
A lot of birders on iNat seem to have links to their eBird accounts.
I’ve got my Ebird profile link in my inat account profile.
What do I type in to get a heatmap of my IDs?
Where do y’all get observation heat maps?
the base url is https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/map then add any normal url filters of your choice
so your observations and zoomed in on NE US: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/map?user_id=oksanaetal#6/42.114/-67.872
Awesome, thank you! I’ll add it to my profile.
Interesting question.
It looks like this works (replace user_id with yours):
Thanks Thomas, @thebeachcomber.
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