Hi, this post is mainly suggestions from me about what to write on your profile.
More suggestions are welcome.
Please feel free to remove this thread if this topic already exists somewhere I couldn’t find.
I strongly recommend noting these on top of your profile:
・Your expertise or special interest(s) (e.g. Birds, plants, specific species, etc)
・Types of habitat you are interested in (or just visit most often. Freshwater or marine, for example)
・Your broader interest, including the things you like but not specifically focused
・Geographical area you are good at (Not necessary only where you live)
Especially if you are an identifier, writing your profile in a way people can see your expertise is very very important, because there are quite a few new users that only enjoys clicking “Agree” without really knowing what they are identifying.
※If available, add any links (e.g. Website, Researchgate), list of publications or anything that proves your expertise / passion.
・Then, I find noting photo usage quite important.
Although iNat allows people to do the copyright setting, it is still good to clarify either you want people to contact you before using your pictures or not, etc.
・Also, your email. Especially if you are an active user, there is a high possibility of getting contacted by researchers or people interested in your observations or your activities on iNaturalist, and they might not have an iNaturalist account (to use direct messages).
Without an icon, you can easily be mistaken as an app user or an inactive user who never responds to people’s comments or IDs, which will discourage people from interacting with your observations.
I personally recommend using a good-looking or iconic picture which is related to your interest or yourself, and not changing it frequently.
If you are a heavy iNaturalist user, maybe clarify how people can reach out to you without being missed. Check your Account setting and turn off notifications of confirming IDs at very first, though.
Also it might be good to have:
・Links to what you do on iNat (projects, notable observations, etc)
・Languages you speak
・Links to useful identification resources or useful threads on forum etc
・A bit of information about yourself (※Be careful when publishing your information online)
・List of equipments (cameras etc) you use