Do you have any links in your iNat profile?

Do you have any links in your iNat profile?
If so, what are they?

Personally I only have a heatmap of my identifications and elias105’s website for least observed species

Other stuff I have seen:

  • Social medias
  • Contact information
  • Orcid profile
  • iNat journal posts
  • Links to keys and identification tricks
  • Promoting their book or other media
  • Heatmaps of observations and/or annotations
  • Projects they curate
  • Their own iNat observations that need ID (sometimes for a specific taxa)
  • iNat Year in Review
  • iNat tips & tricks

Did I miss anything here? or maybe I covered all the options on accident


I do. Check out my profile.

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…I keep forgetting I have a profile. :sweat_smile:


I have pretty much all of these.

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I’m saddened by iNat’s recent 10k character limit. My current profile has 28k iirc. I’m going to have to reduce it as soon as I try to update! My profile:


When it comes to public exposure (which can include links), the comfort level of iNaturalist users varies wildly.

From nobodies like me who are super comfortable with exposure, to world experts who basically have an empty profile, and have a meaningless username (maybe a random string of numbers and letters).

There are pros and cons to both approaches. The community of iNat users is as diverse as the organisms that we observe!


I have a link to my Instagram where Ive been posting about my adventures in native plant gardening.
I have one journal post, I’ve been meaning to write in it regularly but I’ve been busy. Maybe in the winter when my outside work winds down. Kinda. :laughing::sweat_smile:

That’s about it. Nothing super exciting.

That’s impressive!!


I have a ton of links to various iNat resources on my profile so I don’t forget them.

Here’s what’s there so far (note, often you’ll need to replace a portion of the URL with your username, or a project name/place ID, or a species name/ID number):


@oksanaetal, can you please check this link returns what you expect:
Map of all observations I have ID-ed:
When I try it, I get 6000 obs with 2737 identifiers. I was expecting 5174 obs (from your profile) and 1 identifier.

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that link includes a user’s own observations where they have added an ID. If you only want IDs for others, it should look like this:

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In the past I had several links to identification guides for various groups of Korean insects and spiders but I transferred those to a Word file with the intention of eventually making a journal post for them. With those gone my profile is now just a very short blurb about who I am.


Thanks, I’ll fix this.

Well. I have links to my site, TG, social media page and link to my tools for get some stats of iNat data and simple editor for journal posts.

And a link to my TG channel with photos and stories about siberian nature.


I have a link to my blog.
Just noticed I have 54 journal posts - perhaps I should add the journal posts for projects to my profile.

Thanks for the nudge - have added a Fynbos Rambles, and Placeholder Backup link.

I seldom click on profile links. What I want to know is - what interests you, and where. Otherwise an ID from some rando has ‘little value’.


I have my years in review (2022-now) and a few of my (WIP) projects linked. I used to have a lot more (heat maps for IDs, for observations, my rarest finds, my maverick obs, etc. etc., but it became too cluttered for my taste because I didn’t want to spend the time to format it nicely. (I’m not really an expert in anything, so I don’t think my profile would be of particular interest to anyone, so there’s no reason to have a long and fancy one, IMO)

I think the tips section and the useful guides would make for very good journal posts. Apart from freeing up space, that offers the additional benefit of letting people comment (and maybe suggesting additional tips and guides), and being more accessible and easy to find (I think?).


Nice profile! I can understand that you are sad to have to shorten it -
but some of that information you might fit well as a Journal Post and can be linked on the profile then?

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You could copy-paste the same things in a journal post and link them in your profile to save some space.

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I think I just have an invite link to the iNaturalist Discord community.

As of now, my only link is to my ORCID profile. However, if I can put together a taxon-related website, I would put that link, too.