Documentation for Observation Widget?

it might be helpful to know what you’re trying to do.

i’m not aware of any documentation for what i’ll call the widget builder, other than what’s on the page. there are four flavors of that page:

(note that the project version of this must have been an afterthought because the link to get to it is only on the project page, and you can otherwise only specify your project ID in the URL itself, not in a selector on the builder page.)

the original API also appears to provide a way to generate what looks like Javascript code that i guess can be used write elements onto a page. the documentation of parameters is here: here’s an example of how to call it for your user id:

the original API is pretty old. so if you’re a good enough coder to use those results, you might consider just doing some coding and displaying results from the latest API ( that’ll give you maximum flexibility, i think. here’s an example of a quick and dirty widget that i created just for grins: