I am trying to download a CSV of all plant species (not observations) in North America. Really, all I need is the Scientific name and iNat taxon ID, although a few other fields like common name and native/introduced status might be nice too.
I found this thread:
and tried to follow the instructions there, but am getting stuck. I was able to navigate to this page:
And that “iconic_taxon” condition restricts the search to only plants. There are 30,627 records. I’ve noticed, however, that the download CSV link doesn’t include the taxon restriction. I.e. the link is exactly the same as for the generic North America species list, here:
which contains 86.651 species. I tried clicking the link and it timed out. I tried waiting a long time and coming back, and the file still had not been created. I’m wondering if it’s even going to be created at all.
Is there any way to export just the restricted list? I also don’t want to waste the computational resources of iNaturalist or put unnecessary load on the servers.
Or is there any other way to download this list?
The reason I want this is that I’m looking to link up individual plant records on bplant.org with the taxon pages on iNaturalist, and it would obviously be much better to do via an automated import than manually.
I am also open to other ways to solve the same problem, such as perhaps by looking up the entries one-by-one. GBIF has the iNaturalist taxon ID, which I think would be sufficient for my purposes, but I don’t know how to limit my search there to the relevant species, nor do I know how to export from GBIF (but if it’s easier to do this through them I can put in the time to learn it, I just couldn’t figure out at-a-glance how to export or how to filter by region there.) Also, if it’s easier to get all GBIF data than the relevant iNat data, I could just work with their bigger dataset and filter it myself, as I’m gonna have to match up the records anyway, and it seems the limiting factor here is the computational resources to prepare the CSV for download, so if there is a larger, pre-formed file that would be sufficient for my purposes.