Note: If you want to get into the gist of the question, scroll down to the bold. Though the context might be handy.
I haven’t found it hard to upload my iNaturalist observations. I use my Android phone camera to take photos (with both GPS and time data). Google Photos automatically backs up those photos, which I then download as a zipped file, extract, and then drag onto the website uploader.
However, I’ve been introducing other people to iNat as well, and I’ve noticed that what works for me might not necessarily be the best for others. One friend says it takes 30 minutes to extract the files.
Of course, if they’re just uploading smaller amounts of observations they could use the app on their phone. But if they scale up their observations from there (maybe even more than 5 observations), they’d hit problems since as far as I know, the app only lets you only upload one observation at a time.
While digging around the forum suggests that the quality of internet connection, upload speed, and image size may be factors affecting this, I’m concerned that improving internet connection quality or upload speed requires upgrading hardware like wifi routers or computers, which might not be an accessible option for everyone (though I could be wrong).
So I’m trying to gauge other ways to get photos from a phone onto iNaturalist.
I suspect the best method is getting them accessible on a PC where they can just be dragged and dropped in. The technicalities of getting them there are where problems probably occur.
In particular, I think there’s a way to access mobile phone files on a PC, but I haven’t looked that much into it.
Right now my focus is on taking photos from mobile devices, using Apple or Android, and how to get them from the camera to the upload box, without losing image metadata. Something that can be easily explained (or has been easily explained) and implemented by newer users.
Bulk = 10 to 60+ observations
I don’t mind getting pointed to other discussions on ways to improve upload speed or other technical things, though that has been discussed before—and is a beast of a topic by itself.
Links to useful and relevant sites/videos/tutorials are appreciated
Threads I have found useful so far: