My 1 week summer vacation at the beach here in Portugal made me photograph a lot of coastal wildlife. From fishes to crabs, going through mussels, oisters, star fish, etc, I’ve photographed a bit of everything.
The thing is: now I need to ID them. I tried looking for guides or identification keys for the different groups, but I haven’t found any.
Does anyone know any good guides for European coast-line biodiveristy? (my main priorities are mussels, starfish and limpets, but I’m open to all suggestions)
Following this topic in the hope of good recommendations - I’ll be going up to Scotland in a couple of weeks, and I plan to do some beachcombing. Also, if anyone knows of a good guide to seaweeds, please give me a link. Thanks.
Not seaweeds, but the Collins Complete Guide to British Coastal Wildlife is probably a good place to start, and the guides on this page are worth looking into.
This maybe is not what you are looking for, but a complement (published by spanish goverment).
IBERFAUNA. Banco de dados da fauna ibérica
I have found the Collins Pocket Guide Sea Shore of Britain and Europe useful in the past - it’s a good introductory guide and covers most of the commoner species.
If you want to go up a level, perhaps you can get hold of A Student’s Guide to the Seashore (authors Fish & Fish) through a library or secondhand. Otherwise it is quite pricey.